miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2015


Hi! Me again...

A new activity for you. Please, have a look at this presentation about the digestive system (click below the picture). Don´t forget to watch the video in the presentation last step.

http://prezi.com/zhbhy9sgy7pl/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share  Have you seen it?? Do you like it? Please, answer these two questions in your comment.

1.- Where does digestion process start?

2.- How do nutrients pass to the blood?

Thank you!! http://prezi.com/zhbhy9sgy7pl/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share

10 comentarios:

  1. SILVIA DE LA CALLE: Hi. I think that are this the questions: 1In the mouth. 2Through the wall of small intestine. The video is for little children.

    1. Thank you Silvia, your answers are ok. Yes, it was a very simple video, don´t you like it?

  2. Claudia Sánchez:hi.I think:The first question:in the mouth.The second through the wall of small intestine.The video is good but is for little children.

  3. Yes, Claudia, your answers are right. And it´s true, the video is really simple, but, sometimes, you are like little children, aren´t you??? It´s a joke!! Thank you for your comment.

  4. im Daniel Bote Villa.1.- the digestion process start in in the mouth

    2.-The nutrients pass to the blood through the wall of small intestine.
    The video is good for us

  5. SHEYLA ARTEAGA,Hi Paco,the digestive system start whith the mouth,next trough the wall of the intestin,but I think the video is for small child

  6. AINARA CLEMENTE :Hi teacher i thing the digestive system start in the mouth next throwgh the wall intestin .I think the video is for little cildren

    1. But, you are little children, aren´t you? Your answers are right. Thank you
