domingo, 26 de abril de 2015


The Stone Age is the period roughly between 2,500,000 and 3,000 years before Christ., And its main feature is the human learning techniques for the development of hunting tools and stone tools. The Stone Age is divided into the following stages: Paleolithic or Old Age, or Mesolithic and Neolithic Ages or New Age. The Paleolithic is divided, in turn, in Lower, Middle and Upper. The Lower ranges between 2,500,000 and 100,000 years BC., And is characterized by nomadism itinerant man in search of food and water to ensure their survival. The first settlements were established in caves, shelters and river terraces. Human activity was based on the gathering, fishing and hunting in a predatory economy. The hominids evolved from homo habilis' to 'homo erectus', which achieves the final erguimiento human being. The Middle Paleolithic chronology has between 100,000 and 35,000 BC. At this stage, hominids evolved to homo neanderthalensis', with greater height and cranial capacity. The Neanderthal Mousterian culture developed, which allowed the development of stone tools, including development of bifaces, axes, scrapers, and spears. The Upper Paleolithic covers between 35,000 and 10,000 BC. Evolves humanization 'homo sapiens sapiens, higher cranial capacity and ease of learning new knowledge (wisdom). Man 'sapiens' stone tools to improve the development of javelins, spears and knives, and develops the rock art with hunting scenes and symbolic. The Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age spans between 10,000 and 5,000 BC. The end of glaciation favored the Earth's global warming, migration or disappearance of some large mammals and the adaptation of stone tools to the new nature (medium or small animal), with the production of microliths. In addition, the rock art was extended in the Iberian Peninsula from the Cantabrian coast to the east, where a proliferation of open-air performances. The Neolithic or New Stone Age is the period of prehistory from about the 5,000 and 3,000 BC. The Neolithic Revolution led to a sedentary lifestyle based on the human being with the emergence of the first villages and learning of agriculture, livestock, pottery and trade development. Therefore, the Neolithic man evolved from a predatory economy to a productive economy and trade. This stage of prehistory is the culmination of the Stone Age. Stone Age Prehistory Metal Age Mesolithic Neolithic Palaeolithic Man Australopithecus Groups primitive nomadic Neolithic revolution history

Please, write in the comment, three differences between these two periods. Thanks

martes, 24 de marzo de 2015


Hi again!! Please, watch the video and give a comment with the answers of these two questions:

1. Name the three vital functions of the living things. 2. Name the three kingdoms of living things that are explained in the video

Thank you, see you soon

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2015


Hi again!!!

More about English... Comparison.

We studied some days ago, ... do you remember???  "prettier than"  "more important than",etc... Yes, you have some notes in your KET folder.

This is a new test to practice comparison..., it´s a big test, 35 questions.

You must read every sentence and write with your keyboard the comparison using the adjective on bracket, then click on enter key. You can see if your answer is ok or the correction if it´s a wrong answer.

Try it!!! It´s funny. And, please, can you write a comment telling me your score, when you finish? Thank you children.


Helloooooo!! This blog have an english corner too.

Possesive adjectives!!! Do you remember them? You have a big chart about possessive adjectives, I gave it to you while we studied KET.

Ok, now click on the picture and try this test with 19 missing words. You have to choose one possessive adjective from four options for each sentence.

At the end, you can see your score. And, please, can you send me it??? Thanks a lot.

Enjoy it!!


Hi, students!!!

As you know, invertebrates don´t have a backbone. We studied them some time ago, didn´t we??

Please, click on the picture, and do these three activites:

1.- Revise the key vocabulary.

2.- Have a look at the Slide show.

3.- Test yourself. After the test you can review your answers clicking on the feedback of each one.

When finish, please, write me the percentage of your right answers.

Thank you!!!

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2015


Hey, test yourself,

Do you remember the vertebrate animals???

Answer these seven questions in the quiz and tell me a comment with the number of right answers you got it.

It´s really easy.


Time for Economy!!!

Do you remember the three sectors of Economy? We have studied them recently.

Have a look at this short video about it.

Now, please, in the comments square write two other examples of activities belonging at every economic sector.
